



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
10-27-2021, 07:54 PM
He couldn't deny that he was interested in the mushrooms here. They seemed to glow and pulse as if they were breathing life of their own. Did plants and fungi do that? He knew very little, if anything, of plants. Even though his mother was experienced with poisons, he couldn't quite remember what all she'd taught him before she passed. The idea did cross his mind though...were these mushrooms poisonous? Could they be used in some way? Some things he knew, were poisonous to the touch while others weren't, and he wondered if any of these vibrantly glowing mushrooms were poisonous in some way, shape, or form.

While the younger she-wolf did her own investigation, he kept his eyes on her in case she tried something funny. He could smell an unknown pack scent on her, and it was definitely not one he'd smelled before. A newer pack, perhaps? He'd be sure to report his findings back to Eligos...along with the other pack he smelled lingering in Auster. He didn't know how long they'd been there either, but both of them were new to him.

Finally, after a few minutes of the pair watching each other and investigating the mushrooms, the yearling girl would speak up and asked him a question. "Have you tasted one?" The question offered to him sounded ridiculous to him! But then was out of the mouth of a mortal. His lip begged to twitch into a sneer at such a silly question, but he decided instead to turn and face her, glittering blue gaze assessing her and her potential intelligence...or lack thereof. "I don't eat strange mushrooms. For all I know, they might be poisonous. What about you?" He shot back.

He snorted as curiosity did start to get the better of him though. He reached a paw out to a glowing green mushroom, but when he tried to touch it, he swore it seemed to lean away from his touch. He pulled back in surprise, blinking a few times. Did...did that just happen?