
i don't feel so lucky



Expert Fighter (135)

Novice Intellectual (20)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2021, 08:07 PM
He noticed the girl's reaction to him. She went from excited and hopeful with a wagging tail to dropping it all in an instant. Still, he remained hopeful that she had been the one to call him. Maybe she knew him and he just didn't remember who she was or something. But when she said that it hadn't been her and that she heard someone calling her name and the fireflies, his own hope had faded to be replaced by a puzzled look. Brows knit together with confusion. "I coulda swore that..." He sighed. Maybe he was just missing his mom and dad too much that he had begun to hear their voices in his head or something.

Approaching the girl, he sat a few feet away next to the water and peered into the nearest pool. He saw his reflection, and in that reflection, more fireflies. He looked up to see them dancing over the water again, and he couldn't deny that it unnerved him. They seemed to just appear out of thin air, adding to the already creepy atmosphere of the world. "I thought I heard my mum and dad's voice, but...they're dead." He murmured. "I saw 'em with me own eyes..." So how was it that he heard their voices out here? Had he mistaken their bodies for someone else?

No...that didn't seem possible. They were gone. Turning to the girl, he looked at her and noted the sadness she seemed to hold as well. "Wha' about you? You said someone called your name? Who was callin'?" Almost as soon as he asked, he heard voices again. Only this time, they were different. All sorts of voices seemed to be trying to talk to him at once, and he wildly looked around as his fur stood on end. It lasted for a couple of heart beats before it suddenly stopped. His heart hammered in his chest as he looked at her again, a mixture of confusion and fear in his eyes.