
Unexpected guests

Cerberus (seasonal bonus)



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-28-2021, 01:10 AM

Dalila let the door to the greenhouse close behind her as they walked into the glass walled building, her pale blue gaze looking curiously around the space that was filled with brightly glowing plants. The fireflies floated through the air and she wondered to herself how they had gotten in here. There were small gaps in the roof of the green house, but these fireflies would have had to funnel in to those small gaps for this many to make it in here. She hummed softly with thought while she paused by one of the marigold plants and carefully examined it with her paw turning the golden flowers one way and then another. The plant didn't really seem any different except for the very obvious golden sheen it gave off. Even it's stem and leaves had a blueish sheen to them. She plucked one of the petals off and held it aloft in her paw as she watched it as the glow faded away until the petal looked completely normal and average again. She hoped that this strange glow didn't have any long lasting effects on the plants. She wasn't sure what they would do to recover their garden if it did.

She was too caught up in her examination of the flora to immediately notice the intruder, not at least until she heard a clatter that made her jump and spin around till she saw a big, glowing raccoon tackling Cerberus and attacking the young pup. "Cerberus!" she exclaimed, running over to help even though the boy was doing a fairly good job of wiggling away and fighting it off on his own. Still, this raccoon was clearly not pleased with their presence here even though it was the one intruding on their space. It was the same sort of craziness that she saw from the beavers that had tried to keep her from getting back to the island the other night. If this sort of thing kept up much longer she wasn't sure if it would be safe for the pups to go without an escort no matter the time of day, not at least until they got bigger. Hopefully they wouldn't have to worry about that though and things would go back to normal soon enough.

For now though, she jumped into the scuffle and grabbed the feisty raccoon by the back of it's neck lifting the flailing, swiping animal off of Cerberus. It hissed and fought against her as she gripped it firmly and carried it out toward the door, pushing the door open and flinging it outside. The impact on the ground as it landed seemed to shake it loose of its trace, it's glowing eyes dimming back to its normal darkness as it scrambled back to its paws. She watched the glow fade from its fur till it simply looked like any other raccoon and it turned to waddle its way back into the brush, only to take a few steps and fall over motionless. Her eyes widened and her ears flicked back at the sight, silently hoping that it was just knocked unconscious or stunned by the experience rather than something worse. Trotting back into the greenhouse, she went back to where Cerberus had been left, worriedly checking him over for wounds. "Are you alright?"

WC: 552
Total: 1742/2500
