
LIGHTNING ROUND!!! Saxe drama babies!

Chaos x ??? and Chaos x Paradise



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
10-28-2021, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 12:56 AM by Tealah. Edited 12 times in total.)
Red alert! For a very short time only we have for offer a RARE opportunity! To play a real live SAXE! Chaos is having two extramarital litters sure to be the source of some very exciting drama. But time is short! There is a very limited time to apply for these pups!

Chaos x ????? - deadline November 1

First on tap we have a mystery… a mystery litter that is! One evening as Chaos is exploring the Mysterious Changes (™) he stumbles over a litter that… uh oh… those are obviously his kids! But how? Who is the mysterious woman who left them for him to find? Are they a gift from Firefly Guy?????

This litter is born on the Day of the Dead, during the weirdest creepiest setting imaginable. It's hardly a surprise that so many of them are also weird and creepy, even witchy! Now, being weird and witchy is by no means a requirement, but there is definitely something off about them…

They will be raised in Fireside by Chaos and will be free to harass, creep out, run amok, and otherwise terrorize the inhabitants therein.

The immediate family (in addition to the rest of the extensive Imperialis clan):

Chaos - the dad, of course
Loki - the littermate, probably the middle child, certified weirdo
Omen - mean warrior witch

Twins are a possibility with Loki's or Omen's designs.

Available designs:


These apps will be due the 1st, to be born the 2nd. Any that were interested in this litter but didn't get picked will be welcome at that time to switch their app to the second litter, which we will talk about... now!

Chaos x Paradise - deadline November 5

The second litter comes into the picture by more conventional means, a one-night-stand between Chaos and Paradise. Since Paradise is a member of Aerie and Chaos is already raising one litter by himself but unwilling to give them up, Chaos strikes a deal with Eligos for the litter to be fostered in Aerie with Chaos traveling back and forth between packs to spend time with them until they are old enough to choose where to live.

Hello all! As Tea mentioned, Chaos & Paradise did a thing and now pups are almost here! Just adding quick info for Paradise's side, but it's gonna be pretty brief! First off, she's from the Elementas family. For those who don't know who they were, they were a family of wolves who's coats essentially reflected their element. Fire, wind, water, earth, stars, sky, electricity, dark, light, etc. you name it! Paradise clearly was blessed with a fiery coat, but the Elementas weren't limited to just one element depending on who their parents, were, no! Any child could be born with any coat of any element regardless of who their parents were. (Paradise's sister Amethyst, for example, was purple with green I believe (she represented a gemstone) while her brother bore the fiery tones as her and their father.)

Generally, the Elementas were named after whatever element their coat reflected. While this litter doesn't have any particular naming theme, you're welcome to use an elemental name, or not! Currently we have Raze (played by me) & Havoc (played by Tea). You can choose whether or not you wanna go with names that follow this theme, an elemental theme, or no particular theme at all!

Secondly, these kids will likely be in various spectrums when it comes to alignment. However, lawful good chars are likely not in the cards. While Paradise isn't evil, she's sunk from chaotic good to lawful evil thanks to IC happenings. Despite that, however, she always has loved, encouraged, and adored her children and will do her best to guide them during their younger years and will not abandon them as she had been by both family, and former mate. She won't smother them, but she'll definitely be there for them to the best of her ability. I will do my best to have plenty of threads for the kids as well! Loyalty is a huge thing for Paradise, and she hopes her children will make the best choices they can for themselves ;w;

As Tea also mentioned, we would like to see activity with these guys! I hate having to take back and readopt chars, it's a pain in the butt so please don't make us do it ;-; If you no longer have muse for the pup, please reach out to us! If you set 'em inactive, we will likely reclaim. Please, please, please don't just kill them off because you're bored of them. And as tea also mentioned, no fucked up plots. Not only will Paradise seek revenge, but I'm sure the wrath of the Saxe & Imperialis family will come down on you, too c:

Purchase discounts
25% off orange/yellow colors from Paradise
25% off up to 42" from Chaos

While Paradise herself doesn't have any mutations, it is possible that her lineage did.
Chaos has a variety of mutations available in his lineage, with saber fangs to feline claws being the most common.
Mutations are not required to be considered for a pup <3

These apps will be due the fifth and born the sixth. Any apps from the first litter that weren't chosen can be changed to this one as long as you change it before the fifth!

Available designs:


So that's the fun part, now we get into the details.


Activity. I want you to commit to being active with this pup. Not going to give you a specific number of posts, not going to give you a specific activity requirement. Just be active. Commit to not setting them inactive, not deleting them, etc. I want them to be played. I’m not going to take them back and readopt for inactivity because that is way more work than I want to do, so you need to police yourself here. Be active.
Skills. I’d like very much for people to actively work on skill building with these pups. They have a big active family to do lessons and skill building with as long as you actually participate.
Plots. I’m not down with rape plots for my characters’ babies. I’m not down for incest, underage sex, etc. It has been a problem in the past for Saxes and Chaos isn't going to risk another Neios - there'd be severe consequences for kids who indulge in the crazy. Additionally super sadistic, purely psychopathic, cannibalistic, and rabidly evil wolves may find themselves being put down for the sake of the family. So, to prevent future problems for everyone, please do not plot these things for these babies. There are lots of things you can plot out without those things! Thanks. <3

So because this isn't going to be an adoption with a whole lot of time, I won't require much filled out for it. Just throw up this form and do site minimum and you'll have a profile basically premade if you get accepted!

<b><u>Litter:</b></u> (1 or 2)
<b>Design:</b> (any design provided in this adoption must remain with the adopt and can’t leave the site, ty)
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum, include proposed size and possible mutations)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)