
i don't feel so lucky



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Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-28-2021, 09:03 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2021, 09:08 AM by Finan. Edited 1 time in total.)
Things had taken a turn all too quickly for the boy. He lost his home. His parents. Didn't know where his siblings were anymore. He was alone for the most part, though his uncle had promised to keep an eye on him. Being as young as he was, he felt like sticking close to his uncle was the better option. After all, he didn't really know anyone else nor did he know anything else other than what he'd been born into. He was a Praetor, and while he didn't quite know what that meant yet, blood was thicker than water, wasn't it? He had nothing else to hold onto other than those two things. A namesake, and the only real family he knew of. But now with the world thrown into a semi-darkness, he felt more on edge than he ever felt before. It was his first winter, so naturally, he assumed this was all normal...but somehow, the fireflies made it feel otherwise. He didn't know what their purpose was, or if they were friend or foe. The ones he had chased up North had danced and played with him, or at least that's what it seemed like. But these ones? Either they were speaking to him, or his young mind was finally snapping.

"My dad, I think. I don't know if he's ̶͒͌ḋ̶̿e̴̐̈́a̷̓́d̶̈́̒ but... it's been a long time since I've seen him. I was hoping he was here." He looked at her, the confusion and fear he felt still there, but a little more hidden to be replaced with a look of understanding. Part of him hoped that his parents dying was all just some bad dream, but the longer he sat there and the more he thought about it, he knew it had all been very, very real. Silence pressed down on him like a thick, choking fog. And when he was about to ask her another question, she suddenly stood up and looked around. Was she hearing voices again? "Finan..." Almost immediately he stood up, too. There was that voice! Only this time, it was clearer and just a single voice instead of dozens. "It's coming." It stated, though he had no idea what that meant. "What's coming!?" He questioned, pale green gaze looking towards the fireflies, though they seemed to fade away before his very eyes. The whispering he heard had suddenly silenced, the young boy feeling even more on edge. "Ah don't know what's going on, but I don't like it one bit..." He stated both to himself and the girl he was with.

The fireflies would seemingly appear again on the other side of the pool, and as Fin watched them, he couldn't help but feel a strong urge to follow. He looked at her for a brief moment before looking at the fireflies again, "I...I think they wan' me to follow but..." He was hesitant, yes. But the more he tried to ignore them, the stronger the urge to follow became. The fireflies seemed to pulse brighter, beckoning him to follow. Even with the fear he felt, his curiosity got the better of him, and he made his way around the pool to follow.

They danced around him for a moment before flickering away towards another pool, and another, and then another. Steadily climbing the path that led towards the top of the waterfall. Finan followed, though he wasn't sure where they were leading him, and why.