
Unexpected guests

Cerberus (seasonal bonus)



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-28-2021, 03:04 PM

Dalila sighed softly as the tension slid from her shoulders when Cerberus lifted his paw for her to look at and she confirmed for herself that it was the only wound he got from the whole ordeal. She hardly even noticed the plant that had gotten knocked over in the scuffle. As long as Cerberus was okay then that's all that really mattered. She smiled softly and settled back on her haunches in front of him, gently taking the paw he offered in her own and examining it. "I'm sure it doesn't, but lets still clean it up and put some herbs on it just in case." Releasing his paw she walked over to a stack of bowls on one of the shelves of supplies and took one, carrying it over to the bucket of water they kept for watering the plants. She filled the bowl with water and walked back over to where Cerberus was to start washing his paw.

"You were very brave fighting off that raccoon," she commented with a smile while she gently washed off any dirt and grime from the paw and out of the bite. A little glance up made her realize that the stuff that had been thrown about in the scuffle had been picked up and her ears perked with surprise. "Oh, you cleaned up the stuff? You didn't have to do all that. That's very sweet of you though, thank you." Sometimes it was hard to believe that Cerberus was Viper's son. She knew a lot of it had to do with the fact that he spent so much time with Siren and herself and she was silently grateful that they were able to offer a good influence for the boy. She was certain Viper had her merits as well—there had to be a reason Chimera kept her so close for so long—but the few interactions she had with the older woman hadn't exactly been pleasant ones. With Cerberus' paw cleaned she lifted it out of the water and reached over to the shelves to pull down a rag, carefully drying it off.

"Hold it up like this so it doesn't get dirty again before I can seal up the bite okay?" she instructed him before she got up to to gather a couple of herbs. She only had to go a few steps to go back to the marigold she had been examining before, plucking several petals from the flower and watching as the glow faded away just as it had before. While she was slightly concerned about using the herbs on Cerberus, they seemed okay from what she could tell so she decided to move on as planned. She picked off a small piece of horsetail from a plant they had recently transplanted into the greenhouse and then went back over to Cerberus. She made quick work of chewing up the marigold and pressing it into the small gaps where the raccoon's teeth had punctured, glad to find that the plant tasted the same as it always did as well. She did the same thing with the horsetail, pressing the edges of the wounds together gently and holding them there until the sticky horsetail adhered the edges together. "There we go, that'll do." She chuckled softly, carefully not showing the worry she felt about how strange the world had become. "Come on, lets go back inside. I think that's enough excitement for one night."

WC: 575
Total: 2785/2500
