
all a matter of perspective


08-12-2013, 07:58 PM


The male's rather poorly planned question had Silverback raising a brow. Why not? Well because she had something much more fun planned. Poor uncreative, lumbering beasts these wolves could be. He probably had no idea yet. Too busy swimming in his own pain. The she-cat watched, half amused, half annoyed as he groaned. 'Goodness'? What strange treasure had she just dug up out of the earth? And was he really so stupid as to suggest she eat him? Or was that just boldness? Or - as she chose to favor - the pain talking?

"Don't be such a baby, I didn't hit you that hard." At least it was no where near as hard as she could have. But then again, maybe she'd over estimated the force a little with the excitement. Oh well, he'd live. She didn't have too much pity for weaklings, but she did want the male in his right mind so she could talk to him. She gave a slight shake of her broad head and stepped closer to the moaning canine, seeking to wrap her teeth around his scruff again. He wasn't in much of a position or state of mind to resist even if this counted as consciousness. "Come along," she muttered. Her intent was to drag him back a length or two to the back of the cave. She'd have to duck her head there, but it was no hassle. The little stone basin of water she'd managed to rig up was not quite full, but it had enough to for a thirsty canine to sate his pallet, and to help clear up a foggy head. "Drink," she rattled off briskly.
