
Take Me As Your Own


08-12-2013, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 08:07 PM by Liberty.)

He didn't attempt to put his paw forward again, which surprised her, because his intentions had already been set. He wanted her, why she wasn't exactly sure, but he did. What did he want with a worthless yearling? She was a princess in Valhalla, but out here, she was the same as any other wolf. She assumed he wouldn't move again, but suddenly he did, and his toxic breath tickled her nostrils as he exhaled. Out of impulse her neck extended slightly as she attempted to rub their moist noses together. After doing so, her neck would retract back, and her chin would remain tilted to protect her vitals. She may be naive, but she wasn't about to let this male take her life. "We all want things we cannot have." She could tell by the hungry look in his eyes that he had already made up his mind. Whither she wanted it or not, she would be claimed, and somehow, she was okay with that. Only she didn't want to merely be a piece of his property that got lost with the others. She wanted to be more.

"Perhaps we can make a deal." Her lips curled around her fangs as they formed into a smirk. Her gaze iced over, and her claws dug into the ice below her as she readied herself to swoop out from under him. If he were to decline and suddenly attack, she would want a fighting chance instead of being pinned beneath him and losing pitifully. "If you take me away from Valhalla, you will throw away the crown that I wear, and you will also piss off the biggest pack in Alacritis. If I voluntarily go with you, I want a new crown to wear on my pretty little head. I want to be superior to the many females you probably womanize, and, I want you; All of you. With my young age and training in the art of ruling, you may manipulate and transform me into anything you desire. I'll be your puppet, if you make me your queen. Do we have a deal, sir ghost?" Her body tensed, and her gaze never left the beady crimson eyes before her. She was striking a deal with the devil's ghost. She was sure of that.

OOC: Based on his reaction (which is pretty much up in the air right now) I'll decide if I want her captured this second or not. :P
