
all a matter of perspective


08-12-2013, 08:25 PM


Flicking a black tipped tail, the leopardess deposited her load beside the water. The wolf whether obeying his own instinct, or her words, drank, and Silverback watched him with the interest of any casual hunter. Oh this was going to be fun! There was something so satisfying about it. There was a part of her that just liked to be there to help, to see the male feel better and keep him out of harms way, but it was rather twisted up by her pride and vanity - and how both were flattered to know that she was in total control of the situation. She could just as easily leave him to starve if she wished. But of course she wouldn't. What would be the point of that?

Her soft, round ears cupped forward as the mutt finally voiced the question that he'd no doubt been wanting to ask since he was hit. Was he just beginning to grasp at the impossibilities of it all? She enjoyed that hint of timidity that belong in his voice. She let it hang in the air a moment, still standing over him, before she finally gave him the answers he sought. "You are mine," she said in utter simplicity. "From now on." She padded back towards the front of the cave as she spoke, aware that her backdrop was the gorgeous mountain range that surrounded Dreamer's Col. "I'll make this as clear and easy to understand, as I can:" Her voice slid through it's paces with gravity and purpose. How many times had she gone over this in her head? "You are in a cave, a good -twelve? fourteen?- stories from the Pass below, and almost as much distance from the top of the mountain. It is all sheer cliff-face, here, you can come see if you wish, just mind your step.-" She wasn't about to loose him. "-Yes, I carried you all the way up here. I am one of the few things in creation that could pull off such a feat. Ergo - you only live at my good will." She fixed her eyes upon him like daggers. Her voice could get quite an edge to it, when she wished, but this was a point she had to drive home. It would avoid any unpleasantness later. "I will bring you food, water, and shelter from the elements, but only so long as you don't get any idiotic ideas into your head." By which she meant escape or rebellion. A little resistance, she wouldn't mind though; it was entertaining. He could chose to the play the game any way he wanted, but she wanted to make sure that the male understood he was playing by her rules now. "There. Was that clear enough?"
