

Ysmir & Serenity


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-28-2021, 11:12 PM

One second Gwyn was with Ysmir helping pull Serenity away from the mushrooms while Ysmir's bird flew overhead and the next she was alone. She turned around to tell Ysmir something and he was gone—as was Serenity. Both of her companions were gone as well. Her ears folded back against her head as her marbled eyes went wide with shock and panic. "Y-Ysmir? Ysmir!" she called out, looking around at the forest that suddenly seemed so dark. A firefly suddenly appeared in front of her and she jumped, absolutely everything feeling terrifying in that moment, her circlet slipping slightly off center on her head as she jumped back from the blue mote of light. She watched as it seemed to lead her through the trees and despite her better judgement she followed it, finding herself in another clearing with a strange figure standing behind a table.

"Choose wisely, and only choose one," it told her as she approached the table and she nervously glanced down at the items in front of her. A gleam beside her made her glance down at the ground beside her and she blinked with surprise at the pile of crystals that were suddenly there and once the took a closer look at the tags beside the items she began to understand why. They were each marked with a different sum of crystals or mushrooms she she assumed this pile of crystals was meant to be her currency. Looking at the items she struggled to see why she would want any of them. She didn't want the mushroom—it had seemingly gotten her into this situation to begin with. The mystery bag of items made her nervous and she didn't know why but the bottle of blue liquid on the end didn't really feel like it would do her any good.

She looked up at this strange, cloaked figure with eyes made of fireflies and it hit her again how deeply afraid she was now that she was alone. She didn't always used to feel like this. She was never the adventurous one of her family, but she didn't used to be afraid of every shadow. She didn't used to feel so dependent on her siblings and companions for any feeling of safety and she didn't want to bring her fear into this relationship she was trying to build with Ysmir. She didn't want to feel like she was a burden on him. She wanted to feel like she could go to his pack and see him too instead of always having to wait for him to be able to come see her in Auster.

With a frown and her ears folded back, she picked up the crystals beside her, setting them on the table. All told there was eight of them that she placed on the table. Considering the most expensive item he presented her with was worth three crystals she felt like that had to at least get his attention. "I... I want a way to protect myself and feel safe," she requested, trying desperately to keep any shake out of her voice. "All of my siblings are fighters or brave and I'm..." She didn't know what to even say about herself or why she needed help or what to even ask for. She knew some wolves were naturally born with stuff that they could defend themselves with. Artorias' girlfriend had sharp antlers, some wolves like Art were just bigger and tougher in general. Maybe if she was just more physically capable, maybe she would feel less powerless...

OOC: Gwyn has offered 8 crystals to firefly guy for something to defend herself with and boost her bravery.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"