
A ghost told me to meet you


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-28-2021, 11:28 PM
Rudy’s eyes stayed on Fern, listening to her words, a gentle expression in his gaze.  She was one of those who didn’t understand something as simple as kindness.  Well, Rudy had dealt with that before and he could handle this again.  Someone had to lift the burden of those who couldn’t carry it himself and Rudy’s shoulders were strong enough for that, his will was strong enough for it.

She showed less sign of needing to scratch so that was good.  The motley wolf heard her words but it wasn’t like she could sway his decisions.  Inwardly Rudy felt a bit of amusement at the idea of someone he just met thinking they could change his opinion.  They learned eventually how bullheaded he could be. “I could list off all the reasons I know you’re nice,” Rudy offered quietly, “but, I imagine that can wait till tomorrow.  Need something to talk about on the way back.”  There was no concept of accepting her notion of leaving.

She did finally decide to see it his way.  Honestly the fact she wanted to sleep first was a relief considering Rudy would prefer to rest as well.  She wanted him to return and come back for her?  That was also silly but there was no need to argue.  “Rest well,” he offered.  “I’m gonna go get a drink before I go anywhere.”  A drink then he could keep an eye on her afterward.  

As she was lying down Rudy turned and walked off to head towards the water.  Out of sight and out of mind he’d drink his feel and wait for a while.  He gazed skyward letting a bit of time pass before getting back up and heading to where he left her.  Rudy wasn’t sure if she was asleep or not but with all his training in sneaking around for the fun of spying in early days and then for hunting the boy was good at remaining unseen.  The shadows of night were also his friend.  Once he determined she was asleep Rudy lay down a few feet away then let out a slow sigh.  Sleep sounded good but things were strange out here so best one of them be awake.  Once they were back at the hallows Rudy could get some good sleep in.  So he’d lie there and quietly wait for her to wake up.

Rudyard Carpathius