
Oh, in this night of blue



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-29-2021, 07:44 PM

As the male was taking his sweet time chewing up another crystal she took the opportunity and threw hers at him and for a gleeful moment she thought it was going to hit him in the face as she looked back up but the big annoying brute ducked just before it struck him. It didn't matter however, the look on his face actually drew a laugh from her storm colored lips, the sound was light and airy. Not a sound that would be expected from someone with such a scowling face. Nikkal paused to a moment, almost confused that she had actually laughed like that. She never laughed, not even with her family members. Sure Achilleus would draw out a soft giggle or two but nothing like this. The strangeness of such a foreign was pushed aside as soon as she realized that the few shards of the crystal that fallen off the one she had thrown at the brute, seemed to have multiplied in her mouth as if she had taken another bite of the crystal and chewed on it.

The male temporarily forgotten, Nikkal tried to spit the small flakes of the crystal from her mouth but it seemed like for every one she spat from her mouth, a few more took its place. Shit, shit, shit. Are these things going to grow down my throat? she thought, fighting down the panic that was starting to grip her heart. She casted her dual colored gaze other to the childish male to see if he was having the same problem as she was. At least that jerk will die with me, if thats the case. she thought with a subtle satisfied smile dancing on her lips before she returned her focus back to her problem. She took a white paw and tried to wipe off the fragments off her tongue, hoping that she was only imagining them spreading in her mouth.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think