
there are worse things I could do



08-12-2013, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 09:13 PM by Isardis.)

The boy would tower not only in size, but in mind; the sickening doubt that wandered his emerald gaze would be more than evident to the seasoned King, discovering a sense of bitter pleasure within the babes distaste. Isardis was often an initial image of elegance, peace. Women flocked for it, but men scoffed upon it. This lamb, like so many before him would just be another of the idiots that made the fatal mistake of misjudgement. Size was still in Isardis? favour, and the adequate muscle that brewed beneath cherry skin was enough to rapidly put most in their place. He was a king for many reasons, and power was not an exception.

The infantile would boast of adequate intelligence, asking loose questions in an attempt to forsee his future. Though what he wasn?t yet aware of was that if he wanted to leave, he?d need to brawl for his rights. If he were wise, he would comply with his new leaders suggestions inaudibly. A pleasured smirk would continue to tickle rosey features, extended tail batting aimlessly about structured hocks, ?You are aware of your abilities, as you so blatantly express your pride, an assailant no doubt; capable of both defence and sustanence,? he would pause momentarily, allowing the child the freedom of thought, ?Glaciem consists of over ten women, and numbers rapidly rise. Apart from my son I am the only male. They require assistance in their survival, from being fed to being defended. Their children will require training, and if it fancies your interests- there is always the potential of inter-pack challenges. That is of course, if you are capable.?