
in the graveyard sippin' pumpkin juice




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
10-30-2021, 08:47 AM


It appeared he had misinterpreted what the strange fellow had meant, but the smaller male clarified that the fireflies had not been using their words with him. Mercurial eyes followed the slow lifting of a dark, leather clad forepaw as the canine seemed to beckon one of the nearby spectres to buzz and flit around the offered limb. "And it looked like dey sorta stopped here, didnit?" the man asked, to which a tiny smile and light shrug were ushered forth in response. A few of the little blue orbs danced away from the movement of muscular shoulders, only to flit closer once more as he settled. "I suppose so, I guess I just hadn't been looking at it that way." he admitted quietly, letting the momentary lull in the conversation stretch for a few moments longer as he regarded the dancing fireflies with a new perspective. They were just moving about, though the voices they seemed to beckon from the aether with the gentle buzz of their ethereal wings were a different story. What if the fireflies were not the source of the otherworldly whispers and croons, but rather the conduits? Thought provoking, to say the least.

"Dey havna been ugly to you have dey? I hea'd dey been mean to ot'hers, but I havena seen it yet and I canna bring myself to believe it." the small canine spoke up, and the pale yearling found himself blinking a few times to force himself back into the conversation. He hesitated. They hadn't... definitively been mean, had they? Or, ugly, as the stranger put it. He opened his mouth to offer a response, and shut it again. "Well, the voices that seem to come with them aren't especially welcome." he finally admitted with a tiny frown and another light shrug of those broad shoulders, dropping his metallic gaze to his alabaster toes for a moment to watch the reflections of the fireflies dance in the reflected realm beneath his feet. "But maybe you're right, maybe it's not the.. uh, fireflies doing it. Perhaps they are just carrying the messages, not creating them." he said, brows furrowing as he looked to the stranger, wondering if he had any insight or wisdom to offer. After all, he already seemed to regard the dancing blue swarms in a very different light.