
bear hunting with a hickory switch




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
10-30-2021, 09:05 AM

Trekking about in his muntjac mask with no real destination in mind, the young wolf was simply trying to venture away from home. Being cooped up in the mangroves, waiting for something bad to inevitably happen, was not doing anything for his mental state. A little exploration always did him some good, especially when it came with the potential to find something interesting to add to his collections. The pools that gathered the trickling water of the falls would almost certainly offer him a few hours of investigation before he lost interest. However, when he stumbled across a very forlorn looking wolf about his age, the umber and lichen hued wolf hesitated. Maybe he should talk to someone else, someone who wasn't a member of his Family- honourary or otherwise. Hesitant steps pulled him forth, green-marked ears perked as he tried to get some kind of read on the dainty young male. "Y'alright?" he called out, words escaping his maw wreathed in a fine mist and turned smoky silver in the pale moonlight. "I was about to explore the falls, see what I can kick up, if ya wanted to join?" he questioned with a slight tip of his skull, the fluffy stub of his tail twitching gently.

Lifting his nose to the air, he pulled in a few breaths of the crisp winter air. There was no threat of snow for the time being, the air didn't carry that borderline smoky scent that warned of the changing air pressure that preceded a snowfall. There would be time to do some exploring without having to worry about the weather changing on them. It was hard to tell now that the skies looked so alien, he found himself struggling to find his way to and from home.

(WC: 296 TOTAL WC: 530 / 2500 )

"speech" thinking "others"