
Like shooting stars


08-12-2013, 08:31 PM

Curse the damn snow, its summer, why in the hell is there snow? Grumbling, he carried a limp hare in his jaws, the brown colour contrasting that of his pallid pelt. Languid strides, at the ground with every heartbeat, as he raced through the icy winds. Snow lashed at him, attacking his thick white coat with greed, demanding for his very life. Ahead, a tall figure, stood out, nearing it, he realized it was the side of a mountain, searching for any cave or crevice, he looked eagerly, the snow dampening his fur and his recent kill.

Ducking his massive form, he stepped into the first opening in the rocks he found, and laid his rabbit on the floor. Scent flooded his nostrils, but he ignored it for the moment taking time to shake his pelt, ridding it from the icy waters. As he shook, his eyes slowly adjusted, and he prowled forward, grabbing his dinner in eager jaws. The smell, was the sweet smell of a fea, and it drew him towards her. There, her white pelt contrasted against the dank light of the cave, pausing close to her. He would lower his jaws to the floor, resting the hare on the ground.

?Well, well, what do we have here??

The sultry voice would leave his jaw, vocalizing his inner interest, has his eyes lapped up every curve to her pregnant body, enjoying how it nearly burned his demonic gaze. Just who was she and why was a fea in her state alone to the likes of him?
