
Today Was A Fairytale



08-12-2013, 09:39 PM

The sun beat down on him, but he didn't mind it. It was strong, but the gentle breeze cooled him off, creating the perfect balance of temperature. He had scented his brother going this way, wondering if he had gone to find herbs or to just be alone. Caerul walked across the dark green grass, the setting felt calm and serene. He felt a whole lot better now then he did before, when they were frantically trying to find their sister. But now she was safe, and in the care of his brother, Alsander. And now, he wandered, exploring the place that would quite possibly be their new home now. Emerald eyes swept the lands, his brothers scent began to waft all over the place now. He was unsure exactly where the scent led, so he stopped where he was. Oh well, guess I'll just relax here for a while. He thought.

He marched his way down a small slope towards a cluster of trees, and there he settled himself down in the shade. The windswept grasses waved gently in the wind, the gentle rustling of their blades reached his ears and producing a calming effect on him. He wondered what the future would hold now...They had found their father, been reunited, and possibly found a new home. He stared up at the sky, the clouds drifting lazily across the blue background. He hadn't really said much to his Father since they found him. He didn't really know what to say...

They had spent such a long time looking for him. The siblings putting their own personal lives aside for the sake of each other...Caerul was five years old now, and it wouldn't be long before he hit six. Just two more seasons, and they would be six...He shuddered. He felt like his life had no meaning...he had never fallen in love, never had a relationship with anyone other then his siblings, and had never even really tried to get into a relationship because he was always busy with his family. He sighed, lying his head on his paws, and staring up at the sky...he began to feel a hollow emptiness within him. He felt...alone. Even though he wasn't truly alone because of his brothers and sister, it was a different kind of that they couldn't fill.