
Cut From the Same Cloth




Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2021, 04:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2021, 04:47 PM by Imperia. Edited 1 time in total.)
Imperia wasn't really happy with Alastor inviting her to chat, yes to talk to him. Why on Boreas from all wolves would he been the one to call her out here? Poe, well she wouldn't surprise, but Alastor, someone she had never talked to face to face was a different story. She didn't know his reasons no she cared to know, but she saw it as an obligation, as a must so she would go to see him. Hoping he wouldn't waste her time, she felt nothing but wish to end the pirate queen's life after insulting their leader. Oh how she wished to eat their heart and make them cry, beg. She had no time to for this but well, quietly the female would go his way.

She was aware he didn't have gifts like her, but his size and colors were indeed nicer. She couldn't tell if she could emphasize with him, she never did with no one. She didn't feel anything, anything about nothing and no one. She was cold, she loved no one nor cared for anyone beyond family ties, beyond a job. Leaving their Island's domains she went to the Taiga Alastor had planned to be their meeting place, a place where whatever he wanted would be done. "Alastor." She called. "What do you want?" She asked, coldly, dryly. No hesitation, no emotions, just to the point, to the business.


Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.