
Cut From the Same Cloth




Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2021, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2021, 08:03 PM by Imperia. Edited 5 times in total.)
Follow me . Was the first thing the large male said as Imperia approached him, eyes remaining cold, unreadable expression. She felt nothing, her heart was empty of emotions, only emptiness. She should she feel something she had never been given? Why should she give others what she had denied all her life? And it wasnt like she had the ability to feel in the first place. She never did, nor she needed it now nor any time soon. She simply stood there before following him as requested. But keeping her distance, from behind. Being mates to the matriarch for her meant Alastor was also above her, being wanted one or that was all she could guess from him. If Manea chose him as soul mate, he had as much importance as for her to try staying away from his level.

His next words were a fact she already knew of. She was born ready to rip throats for her family even if none had shown that for her. Being lesser than the gifted ones, she knew no one would fight for her, nor give a fuck if something happened to her, but she cared not either. "I will. I will make them scream" That was a promise she was willing to see fulfilled by her own fangs. She kinda liked his proposal of some needed blood bath. A bear, well it didn't matter. A kill was a kill. "Any plan?" She had one but again she wouldn't act without being told by who she saw as superior.


Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.