
Today Was A Fairytale



10 Years
Athena I
08-12-2013, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 10:53 PM by Cael.)

This new home of theirs was rich in herbs. Everywhere he turned he was finding helpful herbs of various sorts. It was a healer's dream! He picked various ones and sat them down in front of Elva, his little helper. "Here. Will you run these back to the den please, Elva?" he asked with a smile. The little arctic fox, gray and white with her shedded down summer coat, nodded eagerly and snatched up the latest haul, prancing away toward the home he now shared with Imena. Watching his little friend walk away made him wonder if this was what having children was like. He had been caring for Elva since he had found her almost a month ago, nursing her back to health and taking her under his wing, teaching her little tidbits of knowledge about herbs and healing when she asked. It was a lovely thing, having someone that was always there by his side, looking up to him with endless love. Elva had taken to him like a fish to water and he had to admit he was quite fond of the little fox as well.

But the druid wondered if Elva was going to be the only companion he would ever have. He and his siblings were a mere two seasons from being six and none of them had found mates or had children. Granted, they had willingly dedicated their lives to each other, but there was a sacrifice that had to be made and apparently that sacrifice had been their personal lives. The only wolves he had made friends with since he arrived were his own family and Imena. A smile crossed his muzzle when he thought of the little black-hued fea. She had such a kind heart... but he felt like there was something hiding under the surface, something bothering her. He had been trying to give her space and let her tell him when she was ready, but she had told him nothing yet. He did hold her as a dear friend though and he was readily concerned for her. He padded off into the woods, content in the fact that Elva would find him again if she wished.

Just as if by the magic of his thoughts, as he came around the trunk of a particularly large tree, there was the hunched form of Imena several yards away. His tail wagged gently and he opened his mouth to call out to her, but he stopped himself when he noticed the gentle shake in her body. His brows pulled together with worry. He padded closer, coming around to her right side so he didn't surprise her with his approach. "Imena?" he asked gently as he reached her, taking a seat on his haunches beside her. "Is everything okay?"
