
I See You


08-12-2013, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:54 AM by Gael.)

He hadn't realized that she had been in the valley with him. Perhaps the pungent smell of deer and summer had clogged his senses or maybe his nose still hadn't recovered from the running it had gone through during his cold or maybe he had just not paying attention. So it was no surprise to see the young man startled when suddenly he saw a figure rise from the tall grass, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. At first he thought it to be just some regular old wolf, perhaps a rogue that had happened on the area at the same time he had, but when the wolf turned around, there was no mistaking the teal gaze. No other wolf he knew had eyes like those; except Meili. And it appeared that she recognized him too, her tail wagging madly behind her as she bounded towards him, her much shorter legs carrying her faster than he had ever seen her go.

Gael tried bracing himself, but her momentum was too much even for him. She barreled into him, throwing his legs out from under him, knocking him back onto his back as they tumbled a few steps before stopping, his larger frame ending up beneath hers, his name bursting from her lips happily as she laughed, nuzzling his chest as she gazed at him. His own laughter bubbled from his silver lips, cerulean unable to tear themselves away from her gaze as she reached up to kiss her cheek, audits straining forward at her words. Where have you been? I've been so worried, are you okay? A goodnatured chuckle rumbled in his chest as he watched her take a once over of his body, checking to see if he had any physical signs of illness. Of course Mei, I'm completely fine. I just had a terrible cold and I didn't want you to catch it, so I isolated myself until it went away. But I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere. Nothing but the pure truth spilled from his lips as he reached up with his forepaws, gently batting at her neck, simply glad to be back in her presence. How he had missed his little woman.

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