
Blowing This Joint




10-30-2021, 11:30 PM
Scylla & Albion

The world is eerily silent in it's frozen state, even the waves which seem to have escaped whatever is holding most everything else in it's grasp, is quieter than either young pup has ever known it to be. Then from somewhere on the island you hear an ear piercing squeal. Then another. And another. A chorus of high pitched shrieks take up in the air, and a moment later exactly what the sound is becomes clear. It's the sound of rats, and it's getting closer. For a moment of frantic searching there is nothing, and then... One of the formerly frozen sealions moves... Or rather something else moves it. It's jaw slowly opens, but still the creature otherwise remains frozen. A single blue glowing rat drops from it's mouth. Identical to the one that the pair of pups had just obliterated. A wave of identical rats suddenly roll over the beach, more falling from the now gaping mouths of the frozen sealions as other still crest over the blubbery beasts, a massive swarm of rats, more than should even be possible considering the pack that occupies the island, all come crashing down towards the pair. Just as the crush of rats is about to descend upon the pair they disappear without a trace, no sound, no smell, not even tiny footprints in the sand. But both pups can swear that they still felt the wave hit them for a second, felt the air grow thick with fur as all the light in the universe was snuffed out by the sheer weight of those bodies.

Probably just the hyperactive imagination of children...