
give me all your loving


08-12-2013, 11:25 PM
Would she have to wait long? Would Newt even come at all? It was hard to tell anymore, hard to feel certain about anything anymore after everything that had happened between them. It felt like a wedge had been driven between them, a stake driven deep enough that it felt as though it was ripping through the woman's heart. So many times she had tried to leave, so many times she had tried to run and turn her back on this chaotic world that she had thrown herself into and blindly dragged Newt into as well. But she couldn't. to be honest Newt was her only anchor that kept her from retreating into her mind and living in the world of fantasy she had seen her mother dissolve into after her Maze had left. She didn't want to be that wolf, the crazy old lady that had been so spectacular in her prime. Lust had been such a talented healer it had been hard on everyone to see her degrade so much. But who was there left to feel sorry for Zara? Taiyae was gone and with it her family, Sade and Rook were gone and it seemed that Newt had carried on in her life without the old battle worn woman. Champion and Kaios has replaced her... The woman seemed to fold into herself, blind gaze cast down as torn and frayed ears folded to her skull. Could she find a place in Newts new life now that Kaios was gone?

Zara had been there when Jupiter had taken his life, she had smelt his blood, heard his last heart beat and felt his body hit the ground. She had to admit, it had taken a particular amount of self control to keep herself from grinning, the foreign woman had done something that Zara herself had wanted to do for quite some time but hadn't been able to find the heart to. Despite her hatred towards the man, what he had posed and what he had done to Zara's seemingly picture perfect life she could never do that to Newt, could never hurt her like that. So the warrior had waited and waited and waited and finally her hero had come. Medusa had been an unexpected surprise and one that Newt had been not fond of but the battered woman couldn't help but look on the bright side, so to speak. Maybe she could convince newt to run away with her, go somewhere where they could always be together and never have to deal with the trivial qualms of others over again. She had heard of islands along the coast of Alacritis, maybe they could claim one for their own? Live there and terrorize anyone who came on it... Now didn't that sound like a hoot?

Her mood sobered considerably, a musky scent hitting her almost as hard as if she had ran full tilt into a tree. Blind eyes lifted and turned towards the entrance as if the image of Newt coming sweeping in would somehow return her vision. It didn't. But her scent grew stronger and soon the clicking of nails on the steel beats hull marked Newt's arrival. Zara was on her paws instantly, a yearning growing inside of her that had been absent for quite some time. It escaped as a slight whimper, crooked tail remaining limp behind her as she took a step forward. Ears folded to her skull and she resisted the urge to throw herself at her love. This was all she needed, right here, this was it. She needed Newt. Then suddenly there was pressure and warmth, Newt's face pressing into her heavily coated shoulder as Zara's neck wrapped warmly around the woman's shoulders. She was perfect, everything about her was perfect just like this moment. Zara could hear the sobs, feel the salty tears streak down her shoulder but she didn't care. Newt was here and she was hers. Words washed over her and Zara stood, soaking them in. Her pain tasted delicious and it in itself began to lift the fog from her mind.

They could do this, together they could do anything.

Zara nestled deeply into the woman's pelt, remembering every little detail about her all of a sudden. From the particular colour of her pelt to her build she suddenly seemed to remember everything. It was like something had snapped in her mind and everything came rushing back. She loved this woman, those feelings that had kept her tied to Amenti suddenly amplified to the point where Zara felt she would burst. "I could never leave you my pet. I love you too much..." she soothed, beginning to groom the woman's shoulder tenderly. She wanted to taste it al, to feel that pain fall from Newt, to help her release all this desperation and fear. Teeth nipped gently at the side of her throat, not breaking skin at first but as she moved further down Newt's side towards the muscle of her shoulder the nips began to draw a few drops of blood. "Anything you need of me, please tell me. I've caused you this pain," her voice was soft now, truth hidden in those words. She wanted to be strong for Newt, wanted to make her pain go away but she couldn't help but feel responsible. She was the one who had thrown Newt at the pack and then left, she was the one who had returned and assumed that everything would be alright. "How can I make the hurt go away?" She finally asked, once more pressing her face into her loves shoulder.