
Today Was A Fairytale



08-12-2013, 11:33 PM

Thoughts swirled themselves around him. What would he do? What could he do? He was half his life expectancy now...who would want someone his age? The usually composed Caerul sighed, brows furrowing in deep sadness. He felt like he would die alone, without wife and child. Without ever knowing what it was like to fall in love, without ever knowing the joys of being a father. Ah, but perhaps it was meant to be so. Everyone they had come across, they were never around too long. He and his siblings were always on the move. Searching for his father...but now that hey had found him, what would happen now? Could they finally start to seek out a life for themselves? He loved his siblings, loved them like they were a part of him. They had always been together, always needed each other and were hardly ever apart for long. But times would change eventually he thought. Claire would want to find someone, a mate, and what if he wasn't in Valhalla? What if that man was somewhere else? Another pack? A rogue? He sighed...the exhale rather heavy. It wasn't his decision who Claire would see in the future...but he wouldn't stand by and let someone mistreat her either. He would advise her, make sure she got someone who would treat her like a princess.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about those things. Claire's life was not his, but he hoped she would find happiness as she was still very young. He stared into the open space before him, focusing on nothing. A short distance away, a blurred figure came into view, and when he realized this he focused again. Ears perked, eyes followed the small figure as it trotted daintily across the land. He lifted his head for a better look, head following the small creature. With a slight tilt, he realized it was Cael's companion, Elva. What was she doing here? Was Cael nearby? He rose to his feet, walking forward a bit as the fox disappeared over the slope. He looked in the direction from where she had come from, and wondered if his brother was out looking for herbs again. He decided he would follow Elva's scent and see if he could follow it back to Cael. He wanted someone to talk to, to express his frustrations about what he was feeling inside.

It wasn't long before the scent trail led him closer and closer to his brother. He could smell the strong scent of freshly dug earth, the tang of crushed herbs, and finally the smell of Cael. It was unmistakable, as always. Always smelling of herbs and berries, sometimes he detected a hint of spices underneath the other smells. He tracked his brother into the woods, which was a fairly short distance from where Caerul was originally just outside the treeline in the open space. He passed ferns and other plant life, catching a glimpse of different herbs whose smells he recognized from when Cael used them. Soon enough, he had found him. His brother was straight ahead, his slender and graceful form unmistakable to Caerul. He made his way over quietly, knowing that Cael would recognize his presence. He stopped just beside the trunk of the tree upon arriving, ears tilted forward as his emerald eyes hid the troubled thoughts he had been having. "Good day brother, how are you?" He asked cheerily. That's when he detected another presence. Looking around, he looked to where his brother was facing and spotted the she-wolf. Curious, he wondered why she was there and why she was shaking like that..."And...who might you be?" He asked her in a polite voice.