
Today Was A Fairytale



08-13-2013, 12:20 AM

She might have said she would not cry but her body sought other means of expressing how she felt. Her silent trembles and shallow breathing was her way of crying. It was a a habit from being a pup, when if you cried, you were weak and shunned. There were few and rare times she did not know what was around her. She would not know Cael was there till he spoke. She jumped, eyes flying open. She had thought he was out with Elva. She had thought he was within pack territory. His appearance startled her, making her fur fluff out. She turned a blue gaze of suffering to him. There was no way she could hide now, no way to cover the truth up with lies. Her mouth felt dry, her heart raced thrumming like the wings of a hummingbird. She couldn't think of anything to say, just stare helplessly up at him. Like a storm finally breaking she moved to him, seeking comfort. Only him and Demonio were the only two she considered as her friends so far. Two wolves she knew she could trust. "Oh..Cael..I can't hold in the pain anymore.." She choked out.

Another wolf joined them, standing by Cael. She froze and stared at the grey and white male. His scent confirmed his words on being Cael's brother. At once she went to turn her head away from them, trying desparately to lock down her emotions. To numb the pain and push it back into it's closet. But she could not. For too long had she tried to suppress it, bury it and deny it. Refusing to let others see her suffering. But it was to late. The storm clouds could not take back it's shed rain to hold for another day. Her body still shook and she kept her face turned away from them. She wanted to spill everything out. She wanted the comfort, the healing. Tail curled around her tightly as she tried to even her breathing. Maybe it was time she releashed her bureden. To let the bird out of the cage and have a chance to fly. She shifed closer to Cael, seeking warmth and his friendship and to hide her face from his brother. Oh what a great way to meet someone.