
The world is rumbling beneath us

open to alphas!



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10-31-2021, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 02:06 PM by Theory. Edited 1 time in total.)
She'd arrived late. Why, why did you come late. You have to show strength. Integrity. It had taken a bit longer than she would have liked to re-secure the borders and leave Rhyme in charge with Corvus at his side. The lack of a true secondary had never felt so apparent. There was sick pebble of unease in her stomach that had been building for weeks now. At least this gathering might set her at ease. Sharing information was always a good thing. Unless, of course, they were bringing false information to the table. Theory stuffed down her anxieties further and further until they were an ugly little pill that she could swallow. There was no point in over-thinking things, she was here, and she was prepared to be courteous and honest. Theory arrived panting softly, her sides slick with sweat. Half with worry and half with the exertion of the journey, but let them think the latter. "Hello," she murmured. "Theory, alpha of Abaven. I'm glad you called this meeting," she inclined her head towards Armada's leadership. It looked like Sirius was preparing to pass the torch to his son. He must be proud. The others she wasn't quite on a first-name basis with, but she recognized the black and white female easily enough as the Empress of Ashen. The other male had a faint, tropical smell - from Auster?

"These are certainly strange times we're living in. Would you like to begin discussing while we wait for some others to arrive?" She had sent Alouette behind Armada's own raven to encourage Sparrow to come, but in the end her cousin would do as she wished. Certainly things were strained enough between her and the Armada. A tentative message had also been sent to Aerie on her behalf, but she wasn't sure what sway she might truly hold with Eligos, if any.