
Things That Go 'Bump' In The Night

Bonus Seasonal Prompt w/ Chade


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
10-31-2021, 04:17 PM
With Chade’s confirmation that it is ‘safe’, Ricin moves closer to a cluster of glowing crystals. Their light pulses, mesmerizing the young pup as he draws closer to the strange things. Head tilts as the lighter boy swears watches the glowing crystals. His attention is no longer in this cave, Chade and the dark cavern disappear as Ricin appears to travel to some distant place that no wolf has seen before. Body is still as his eyes stare at and through the cluster of crystals. Chade’s existence is forgotten and the splashing of water does nothing to break the spell Ricin is under.

As suddenly as the stupor started, it ends and Ricin blinking rapidly as he readjusts to the light in the cave. In the relative silence the cave, Ricin’s loud voice suddenly shatters the peace as he exclaims, “Ny! I know what made the crystals!” Paws dance happily as the lighter boy, still looking at the crystals, starts to tell the story in a loud, enthusiastic voice, “See, there were these big tall beings that that only had two legs and they walked, like this.”

Standing on his hind paws, Ricin shows his brother the method in which the creatures move. Lowering himself back onto the floor, eyes dance as Ricin continues, “They use to be everywhere! Until, on one dark night, much like this, a great beast came up from the ground.” Kicking some lose pebbles, Ricin’s eyes glitter with mischievousness as he tries to twinge his words with fear. “I… I think I hear him Chade! He… he is coming for us!”

Ricin’s body changes as he tries to impersonate a scary monster by opening his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out and making gurgling sounds. His back arches as Ricin’s heads lower, trying to seem hunched and scarier. The boy’s voice drops into a deep, hoarse voice as he stalks toward Chade, “I am the great Bogey Monster! And I have come…” Ricin’s words stop abruptly as the voice of his brother whispers harshly at him.
