
In The Darkness, I Found The Light

Chimera, Siren, Aliana



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-31-2021, 05:43 PM

It was so dark. The world had already been dark with only the few hours of twilight-like light during the day, but even that seemed to be gone now. She had relegated herself to not leaving her bed as she drew closer and closer to when she expected her birth to be, but laying here in the near total darkness with just a faint light of the moon filtering through the windows certainly wasn't helping her mindset. It should have been the middle of the day, but she had no concept of time in this perpetual darkness so she couldn't really even be sure of that. She was alone for the time being, doing her best to rest and not worry while continuing to fail on both accounts.

Sometimes the shadows that the moon cast on the walls in front of her would catch her off guard, making her jump slightly when she thought she saw some figure in the room with her. It was absolutely ridiculous, she knew no one was there, but the shifting shapes on the wall while the world depended into darkening madness didn't give her much comfort. Seeing how the mushrooms and crystals and glow were over taking everything, even from the small radius she allowed herself to go from the room, it made her more and more anxious about the fact that she was going to be bringing tiny pups into this insanity. Worrying about Cerberus, Scylla, and Albion was bad enough—she wondered if she'd give herself a heart attack worrying about her own pups.

Over the last week or two she had developed a light fever and the cramping and contractions that had been a fairly constant part of her pregnancy had only gotten worse which is why she had put herself on much more stringent bed rest even though it was driving her crazy. She had moved into a different room in the wing she shared with Siren as well, worried that perhaps she had picked up a little cold or something from somewhere and not wanting to accidentally give it to Scylla or Albion. She was only down the hall, but the more the days ticked by the more it was waring on her.

She was half asleep when a stronger contraction than she could remember feeling before hit her and she winced at the feeling, her ears flicking back and gritting her teeth at the sensation. After a few moments she was able to breathe through it and she wondered if it was just a continuing part of her side effects, but another followed closely behind it and soon enough she realized it was finally time. In-between rapidly building contractions she howled for the others—Siren and Chimera mostly. After what Aliana had gone though she wouldn't have blamed the woman one bit if she didn't want to be here, but she wouldn't turn her away either.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"