
Things That Go 'Bump' In The Night

Bonus Seasonal Prompt w/ Chade


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
10-31-2021, 06:06 PM
Ricin has always been a teller of tall tales and is never one to pass up as great an opportunity as this. The moonlit cave with its eerily glowing crystals and mushrooms had seemed the perfect backdrop to weave his tale. It helped that an unnatural silence seemed to blanket the inside of the cave when Chade wasn’t hunting; adding yet another layer to the spooky atmosphere. As he spun his tale, Ricin did his best to scare Chade. However, Ricin was completely unprepared for the note of urgency in his brother’s voice as he shushed him.

The confusion that shows on Ricin’s face is quickly replaced with fear as Ricin hers the snap of twigs from the entrance. His brother’s voice only confirming what he had suspected; something has tripped the alarm. Ricin repositions himself to stand next to and slightly behind his brother, making sure he has a wide line of sight on the entry. Heart pounds in his ears and he feels shaky as his brother lets him know that he will get it.

Worry swirls in Ricin’s stomach and wraps its cold fingers around his throat, cutting off his greatest weapon… his words. Nodding his acceptance, Ricin drops back further, attempting to blend into the rocks and shadows around him as Chade prepared to meet whatever came through the opening. Ricin had removed him from the scene simply to appease his brother but as soon the opportunity arose, he would rush in to help.

A fox appeared in the opening and Ricin had to clamp his mouth shut to keep a yelp of surprise from escaping. It looked just as scared as he felt and the glowing blue substance that flowed freely from its nose sent a spike of terror through Ricin’s heart. If Chade fought the wolf and killed it, would the same thing happen to him? There was no further room for thought as Chade charged, trying to catch the fox by surprise.

The fox snarls making Chade pull off his attack and try to skirt around the fox. The creature is mad and terrified which never led to good things in Ricin’s memory. However, the fox did not appear to have spotted the boy huddling by the wall and instead tracks Chade. Ricin watches as his brother draws its attention away until the fox’s back in completely turned toward the lighter boy. Taking his chance, Ricin rushes forward and sinks his teeth into the fox’s back left leg.

The taste of blood fills his mouth and Ricin has to stop himself from gagging or pulling away. The fox yelps in pain and starts to turn toward the source of this new pain when Ricin throws his small frame backwards as hard he can, hoping to throw the fox off balance. Crimson eyes disappear as Ricin slams his eyelids shut in fear as teeth flash in the night.
