
War has come knocking at our door


10-27-2013, 07:23 PM

ooc;; 1) Raii ended up getting ahead and was able to end absence early. 2) Sorry Dark, Wolf said that you couldn't post because of the DM. I think that since it's a DM and the war leaves a lot kind of up in the air, it would be good to double check with staff just in case if you haven't already! :)

First to arrive was Seraphim's own daughter Devya. He returned her affection gently, noting her wince and making a mental note to question it later on. All will be clear in a short time, Devya. Have you seen Ares recently? He had not seen his son, keeping true to Morphine's wishes for the time being. He hoped that his daughter knew of his whereabouts and that he was not involved in the war.

Slowly but surely few others trickled in. Seraphim raised a brow at the arrival of Newt, surprised at her presence. He had been informed that she was busy elsewhere, but perhaps that information was mistaken. With a quick glance, he noticed that the number of wolves here was far lower than he had hoped or expected. He was uncertain how many had gone to fight and how many were in the area, but he could not delay any longer. With a clear of his throat he sought to grab the attention of the women gathered around him.

As some of you may know, our Re has agreed to aid Valhalla in the war against Glaciem. He and a handful of our pack mates are currently on their way to the battlefield. For the time being, Newt and I will be leading Tortuga in his stead. He paused, opening the floor for the others to speak, before adding his last bit.

If you encounter others in the area, be sure to inform them of what is happening. For now, I would advise that you all account for your loved ones and make sure that those of us who have remained behind are safe.

talk, think