
this won't change my opinion of you

tika <3



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
11-01-2021, 10:28 AM

[Image: daqb2ha-264d41d0-8bab-4611-883a-0e44d490...uxghdWN4CY]

After the incident with the pungent potion, Audra was feeling less than well. Meeting Avantika's family and seeing the castle had been an amazing time, but as the days grew into night, her stomach never ceased being queasy. Unsure of how to feel, she thought maybe a walk through the nearby plains with Avantika would help her feel better. Over the last few days, a peculiar thing had begun to happen to her. Around the edges of her eyes, small pink crystals began to grow. They were tiny so far, but they felt itchy and she was tempted to remove them. At this point, she knew better than to do it. After what had happened with Avantika's scratch, she wasn't sure what would happen if she plucked one off.

Moving slowly through the tall grass that tickled her belly, Audra resisted the urge to scratch at her ears. What she didn't know is that the same pink crystals were also growing from those as well. Every time she would turn an ear or try to fold it back, wincing pain shot through her skull. So, she kept them forward at all times. Confused and out of sorts, she glanced back to make sure Avantika was following. Maybe, if they laid down and stared at the permanent night sky long enough, they could find some answers.

Finding a nice spot where the grass wasn't so tall, Audra plopped down on her back with her paws up in the air. A wistful sigh escaped her lips as she felt a trickle of something wet trail from her eyes. She wasn't crying, so what was it? Reaching a paw to one of her eyes, she pressed at the crystals growing there. When she pulled away, she could see a smudge of something oozey on her pads. Scrunching her face, Audra frowned. "What's happening to us?" She whispered, fearful for what was to come.  

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise