



08-13-2013, 02:17 AM
Quote:Oh, she was doing so terribly, but that mattered so little now that she could see he was doing so well. And now, now she would be back by his side, ever so faithful and loyal and strong, serving him as he saw fit and protecting him when necessary. Argent was not a woman who bowed to anyone but him, or any who Isardis told her to bow to. Her loyalty was unwavering, for without him she would not have her own life, and that was a debt she would never repay. Well, her service went beyond that, to a kindling of affection and love that she would not deny. She was a Knight in love with her King, and she would obey him as such.
He closed the distance she had been too shy to close, the touch of his tongue sending a shiver down her spine. She had longed for his touch, to stand by his side, and now that it had come tree it felt much like a dream. She had missed his smirk, his way of doing things, and now she would no longer have to miss it. Argent would let him do as he pleased, leaning into his touch and accepted his claim, for she had never rid herself of him. ?Yes, anything for you,? she accepted, her words coming out in a hurry, and she felt so much like an uneasy pup. ?You make me feel like a fucking little girl, damn you,? she said, and she hoped to twist her head to touch it to his fur, affection that she couldn?t resist giving.
And yet she could not hide the heavy truth from him, not when it had been so heavy upon her mind. ?My King, I cannot hide this from you?I fear that I have wronged you,? she spoke quietly against his skin, her posture relaxing and growing somewhat saddened. She hoped he would forgive her eventually, hoped that he would not toss her away. What would she possibly do if she could not serve Isardis?