
Trample upon me all you wish, I won't give up


08-13-2013, 03:29 AM

Icy blue eyes watched the grey fae, watching her fascination with the creation he had shown her. She seemed very intrigued, and then he noticed her...she smiled. He hadn't seen her smile before, and it really seemed to fit her. But, as soon as it had come, it was gone. The questions had left his mouth...if only he could've just waited. But he couldn't, he needed to know why. Needed to know whether she was about to throw her life away, and if she was, then why? Many thoughts went through his head. Wondering if she would hate him now for his asking. Wondering if she'd ever talk to him again...he hoped to all the gods that she wouldn't hate him...and if she did, then he deserved it. After all, who was he to pry into her life? They hardly knew each other.

After he had spoken, he watched as her reaction quickly faded from the happy looking one to that of what she had before. The despair, the sadness, the had all returned. His ears folded back against his head, glancing down at his paws and gritting his teeth. Silence met them, it surrounded them. Even the noise outside seemed to fade out in his head. The dull pounding of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning was heard outside, but it was unimportant now. He felt bad, seeing her like that...he stared at the ground as she then began to speak. In a quiet voice she had said it was something else...her voice was, pained. He lifted his head as she spoke again, her eyes staring at the lamp in front of them. He began to feel a little alarmed when he saw her beginning to anger. Her fur bristled, her lips pulled back. For a moment he was afraid that he had pried too much and that she would lunge at him..."Sh-she was so young, died scared and the worst of it!"

Squall's ears pressed further against his head. His heart pounded, wondering what he should say. Suddenly, he flinched when her voice rose and her head snapped in his direction. His heart pounded, his mouth slightly open as she then continued. "She died alone!" Her eyes began to water, and Squall snapped his mouth shut when, his face taking on a more serious and sad look. He stared slightly at his paws, but soon returned his attention to her, forcing himself to watch as she was tortured with her memories. His own began to blur slightly, the pain that Loccian felt was his own. She was a reflection of his inside self, what he went through before. He watched in despair as the anger disappeared, only to be replaced by fear, sadness, and...hopelessness? Yes. Everything that Squall had felt before in his past, he was seeing in front of him on the face of someone else. "I wasn't there, I should have been there for her!" Her finals words rang out.

Loccian... He hated the fact that she felt like this. Hated that she was in so much pain, in so much hurt...he wished he could do something. To help ease her pain. He too has lost someone, someone that was special to him. He was pretty sure she was dead, after what happened to his pack she had to be. He had given up all hope of ever finding her again. He took a deep steadying breath. And prayed to the gods above that this was the right thing to do...he couldn't stand to see her like this, he wanted to end her pain, to end her suffering. He didn't know why he felt the need, but he just couldn't bear it anymore. He rose swiftly to his paws, and in a second was at her side. He pressed his body into hers, half burying his head into her fur, trying to comfort her. Though it seemed as if he were trying to comfort himself as well, trying to ease the pain and sorrows of both souls. He wanted to let her know that he understood her. Wanted to let her know that....

"Loccian...I'm so sorry...I understand your pain...I understand your sorrows...I don't want you to feel this way anymore...I've only known you for a short time, but...Please...let me protect you...let me be your shield...let me heal you..." He whispered to her. He wanted to comfort her, to protect her, to heal her. He knew that he was risking his heart, knew that he was letting his own shield down. But he didn't care, not now. Nothing else mattered but her. He wanted to so badly to help her. He only hoped that she would let him...and if not, then he would still remain if she wanted him to. He vowed to himself to only leave if she wished him to. But she would have to tell him directly, that she truly didn't want him there. Then, and only then...would he walk away. Never to be seen again. His brows furrowed as he buried his head deeper into her fur. Her warm scent filling his nostrils, her heart beating within his ear fur, her small body shaking with emotion against his. He had never felt like he wanted to be this close to someone before...he only hoped that she wouldn't push him away...hoped, that she would allow him to be her shield.
