
Morning romp amongst the grass


08-13-2013, 03:57 AM
"I saw that....was that a...a smile?" The tri-colored warriors eyes widened, his mouth pulling back into a neutral position. His ears tilted back as he realized that yes, he had smiled...and she had noticed. He heard the slight tease in her voice, and knew that she had noticed the change from when they first interacted. When he had finished speaking, he had kept his eyes downcast. He slightly startled when she got closer, brushing her muzzle gently against his cheek. As soon as she pulled away, he glanced up with surprise, wondering if he had imagined it. "I'm all brand new here, you're the first wolf I've met...I was classed as extremely eccentric you know, where I came from. Well Squall...would you like to be my friend? I know I won't hold anything against you, and I'm quite easy hardly ever need to apologise. What if I want to be accepted by just a few wolves at a time..not a whole pack?" She spoke, returning to her previous, he hadn't imagined it after all. He felt his face get hot, a blush crept across his features as well as he blinked a few times. Trying to comprehend what just happened. as Squall listened attentively to the young maiden. Her words ringing in the air around them, always seemingly full of excitement. It sort of intrigued him...even though he usually found wolves who talked a lot very annoying, this one seemed different. He guessed that it was probably due to the fact that during his travels, he had changed somewhat. His views on the world were very much the same, but after he had met a particular wolf, things began to change for him...

He swallowed, dipping his head to her and trying to hide his apparent flustered self as he responded, "Yes, I...suppose I can be your friend. I would be nice to have some. I'm not very good at making friends...only enemies. I am honored to call you my friend, Sollei. And I suppose it is better to meet new faces every once in a while, I would feel quite strange myself if I was thrown into a pack and having to talk to every single one at once." He looked at her, trying to seem...less serious. But to no avail. He was still a little flustered from her nuzzling him. It was nothing bad though...he was just, surprised. Nothing like that ever happened to him, and so he didn't know how to react. When he had finished explaining about his scar, she smiled and nodded gently. Even though he had decided not to tell her his story just yet, she seemed to not mind at all. Most wolves to him, would have gotten annoyed and just given him the cold shoulder. Or trashed him for being so closed off. But not this one."Not to worry Squall, I forgive you if you forgive me. I'm too curious for my own good you see and I've never encountered someone with a 'sharp tongue' before. And did you know....I'm lucky I'm not a cat or I would have been dead long ago because curiosity would have killed me. All those poor cats....dying just because they wanted to know what was on the other side of a deep river." Her words made Squall smile slightly with amusement. This indeed, was a strange girl. She was different then a lot of wolves he had met, she was open, not afraid to say what was on her mind. He didn't know really what to say, so he remained quiet as she got a thoughtful look on her face. His ears slowly tilted forward in curiosity now, wondering what was on her mind.

When he thought she wouldn't ask anything after a minute of silence, he looked up as he then heard her voice. "Squall...I'm sorry to ask this...but would you help me find a know, a proper place to sleep? A snake started inhabiting my old one and I'e been looking about for another one all night, I'm willing to share too, the's good for you right?" He looked at her in surprise again, blinking a couple times as he searched for a response. The look on her face told him that she was clearly embarrassed about enlisting his help, probably much more so as it seemed that she was seeking out some company so as not to be alone. He closed his eyes and tilted his head down, a calm and serene look gracing his features. When he looked up again, there was a calm tone to his voice, all traces of sharpness or bitterness gone. "Sure, I don't mind helping is getting dark soon and a place to sleep would be the wise thing to do. I'm not familiar with these parts, and the place where I normally stay is kinda far from I can stay with you for tonight if you wish." He responded gently.

Speech, Thought, You