
The world is rumbling beneath us

open to alphas!



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
11-01-2021, 04:01 PM
The raven that had appeared with a message for him had been a surprise - a surprise that Eligos was suspicious of. Armada, calling on all the packs to meet in peace to discuss the changes in the land? Armada, a pack that had proven warlike and devious in the past? Logically, it was a trap. It was, however, a trap that he could not afford to ignore.

Another message followed the first, this from Theory of Abaven urging him to attend. Presumably that meant that Abaven would be present. Eligos sent no reply to either message, simply dismissing the messengers without indicating whether he'd attend. Of course, they likely knew as well as he did that he'd need to be there regardless, but he didn't need to make things easier.

When the day arrived he would need to leave the pack to reach the meetingplace in time, he lay waiting atop a boulder convenient to the edge of the shared border between Valhalla and Aerie, a vantage point to watch and wait until he saw Aurielle and her fire-gilded son, dressed for a journey, set off in the direction of the rendezvous. So, then, they were attending as well.

Waiting until they were well out of sight, Eligos rose from his perch and set out back into pack lands to arm and armor himself and his pack. With the warriors set to increased vigilance, in case this was simply an attempt to get him away from the pack before they were attacked, he set out again alone. While the message invited him to bring another member of the pack, presumably so they would feel comfortable, Eligos was not willing to risk another of Aerie to a possible trap.

Lightly burdened and longer legged than half the Valhalla contingent, he arrived shortly after them despite his later start. A quick glance at the group as he approached showed a few strangers in addition to the familiar representatives of Valhalla, Abaven, and Armada. No Fireside, or the new pack of troublemakers, and if there were any other packs not yet represented they weren't ones he'd heard of so he didn't see their presence or lack thereof being a hindrance. He stalked forward and took a place alone, seating himself with dignity as he watched the Armadans with a cool expression and, settled, gave them a curt nod of acknowledgement.