
Forgive and forget and die


08-13-2013, 04:29 AM
His eyes followed the girl in front of him. She seemed to be really worried...Probably about her friend... He thought to himself. He shifted into a slightly more comfortable position, and after several moments a soft voice reached his ears. "My Brother...he's my brother." His icy gaze turned to her, as she then looked at him.

"Thank you for saving me and my name is Hureia Tsarev. What may your name be so I can thank you by name?" Squall blinked slowly at her after she spoke, glancing over at the injured male that was being tended to. Looking back at her, he replied "My name is Squall can call me Squall. And...there's no need for thanks. I'm sure any wolf would have done the same thing as I." He told her, dipping his head respectfully. He bent down to lick his sore and bleeding pads. trying to sooth the pain that pounded there. When he looked back at her, and at her brother Thane...he thought. His brows furrowed...there was something about the pair that...reminded him of someone. But he couldn't quite figure out what. Ah, perhaps he would remember some other time, or maybe it was just his imagination. Either way, it pricked at hid mind like a thorn.

"You are very both could have ended up dead. You should be more careful next time." He told her in a stern voice. He didn't mean to sound like he was lecturing her, it was just the way he spoke. It wasn't everyday he went out of his way to help strangers...but his heart was too good, too noble. Sometimes, anyway. He couldn't just let a distressed wolf in danger alone. Ellone had taught him better then that. He would be no better then the most cold blooded killer if he stood by and did nothing. It...just wasn't like him.

Speech, Thought, You