
Because Of You



08-13-2013, 06:12 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

His touch came as a bit of a surprise, and it caused her to hasten slightly through those last important words. The growl he'd given, though she knew it to be just pretend, sent her heart pounding a little... but... not with fear? Oh that didn't make any sense at all. She almost giggled at the end, when the moving of her own muzzle as she spoke, made him have to shift his nose slightly, but the giggle folded away when she saw how in earnest he was. She hoped he would give her some form of agreement. Though perhaps that was the point of his gesture. The words to come out of his mouth though, were as sincere and sober a complement as Orica had ever received. And yet, just like the rest of him ti was a riddle she'd have to unravel. 'Something else' he'd called her; Was it a jibe at how naive she'd been? No no, that didn't seem it. He meant it well, she could tell. Did it mean he was amazed by the decisions she'd made on her own? She grinned gently, her tail giving a wag or two. It was what she could herself surprised at sometimes. But then, she'd at least had that talk with her mother regarding the good and the bad and the endless grey in between. It helped. And it had told her that her instincts were in the right place.

Now something new entered her mind though. The sparks that had come with his nose against her muzzle, were at first so sublte that she hadn't realized what they were. The longer Demyan lingered there, however, the bolder they grew, until Orica felt her cheeks burning again. After a few moments she had to pull away, but it wasn't a sharp, afronted movement, it was a comfortable, slow one, and then unconsciously, that white muzzle of hers opened up into a yawn, showing a light red tongue and rows of sharp little pearls. She as tired, and still too young to have any good reason to avoid sleep when she wanted it. The story she'd told had taken some time and yet the snow was still falling thickly outside. Looks like they'd be in for the long haul, but Orica didn't mind.

The girl rose just enough to put weight on her fore paws, and turned in to Demyan, her head and shoulders brushing against him as she curled back on herself and into the little ball she preferred to sleep in. Her head now rested somewhere along the grey hunter's side, pillowed in her own tail fluff. She didn't mind that she'd left the conversation sort of hanging in a way, she'd figured that that was as good a place to end as any. He'd come out and asked what had been weighing on his mind, and she ended up saying more than she'd even meant. Seemed just about everything was in the open between them, and now Orica felt she could rest in peace. Whenever the snow settled, this meeting would have to be wrapped up. She'd go back to check on Bob and the wire haired creature, and then back to her family. Soon her parent's second litter would be being born and she'd want to be there for that, but then she'd get out of their way and come back to Demyan. It felt right with her. And perhaps a long line of young wanderers in her blood had something to do with it. They all left the nest at some point, and she at least planned on returning before too long. It was all decided on, and Orica was ready for the new stage of her life to start. .... right after... she had.... a nap....

She would stay conscious for just a little while, in case Demyan had something else to say, but if no words came to anchor her in the waking world, she'd soon be slipping off. Her breathing becoming deep and slow, her eyes fluttering gently amidst her dreams; totally at peace beside the belly of the beast.

(ooc: unless there's something else you had hoped/planned for this thread, I'm ready to end it and start planning the next one. I think four pages is a respectable length xD )
