
because i'm broken



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
11-01-2021, 09:26 PM

For someone who's emotions were so greatly influenced by the emotions of others even he was having a hard time staying positive and uplifting with the constant, uncertain darkness lingering around them and the continuing sadness from the events that had unfolded. He kept mostly to Emersyn's side to assist her with the sudden responsibility of leading the band and just because she gave him a sense of normalcy and happiness that he needed. He saw Indigo moving through his days like a ghost of who he once was and he felt helpless and powerless to help him. He couldn't fix what had happened and he didn't know how many more reassurances he could give. They were just words and these days words didn't really feel like enough.

He was laying next to Emersyn, curled up beside her while sleep felt far away, listening to her quiet breathing as she drifted off. Usually he would see Indigo come back to settle in for the night even if he was sleeping by himself, but he never saw the large violet man appear and a slightly worried frown pulled at his lips. Duchess was usually in and out and Gypsy was always with her goats, but Indigo was usually at least somewhere close by. The fact that he wasn't made him concerned. He glanced toward Emersyn and carefully moved away from her side so he wouldn't wake her and got up so he could go looking for him, following his scent across the prairie to the stream.

Indigo wasn't all that hard to find, being as large as he was and all, and Segin quietly padded up beside him where he was laying on the bank of the stream. The emotions that he hadn't seen Indigo show in quite some time were written plainly on the gentle man's face in the moments before Indigo realized he was there and Segin's ears fell back against his head at the feeling of helplessness he felt from not being able to help or ease the pain that Indigo continued to live through. Quietly he settled in beside Indigo, wiggling his way under the larger man's heavy foreleg to force himself into his embrace, pressing into the thick mane around his neck that had lost some of its usual luster. He didn't know if there was anything he could say, so for now he just held on to Indigo and pressed into him, forcing him to accept the affection and attention that perhaps he didn't want to ask for.

Segin Epsilon