
The Love I Never Knew I Wanted

Chimera, Dalila, Siren



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-02-2021, 05:44 PM

Dalila stood dutifully by Aliana as she began to struggle and scream through contractions, Siren coaching their friend through the process that was too early and too painful. She dread the truth of it all as she waited for the first pup to arrive, waiting with cloths to receive the pup and already preparing herself to try and save the premature pup if it was even possible. However, when the first pup slid free into her waiting paws, her heart dropped to the floor. Her pale blue eyes widened at the sight of the pup that was recognizable as a pup, but still obviously not fully formed. Her ears pinned back against her head and tears welled up in her eyes that she tired to very quickly blink out of sight. She knew that any attempts she might have made to save this little boy would be futile and with a hard swallow she shifted off to the side on a different corner of the bed and very carefully and gently wrapped the pup up in the cloth. There was no point in cleaning him up, he was already gone.

She looked at the wrapped up bundle for a long moment, a bit of panic and worry rising up in her chest as she thought about the birth she would have to go through soon enough. Hearing Ali's screams, seeing the pups that came from it... It made her even more nervous about what was to come, especially considering the unpleasant symptoms that and had continued on through the duration of her pregnancy. She pulled in a steadying breath, trying her best to not start crying again as Ali asked about her silent child, and went back to her post in waiting for the next to arrive.

She glanced up at Siren when her love suggested they switch and she gave a shake of her head. No, as selfish and awful as it made her feel, she knew she wouldn't be the best one to comfort Aliana through this. Her mind was already far away, thinking and worrying about her own children. It would be better for her to receive the poor pups and make sure they were handled carefully with the respect they deserved. Once the second boy was pushed free she did the same as the first, from now on picking the nicer cloths from the collection they had to wrap them in, gritting her teeth through the awful process and letting Siren and Chimera be the ones to break the terrible truth to her. She wasn't sure she'd even be able to utter the words if she tried.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"