
i don't feel so lucky



Expert Fighter (135)

Novice Intellectual (20)

4 Years
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Dragon Mod

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-02-2021, 07:54 PM
The feeling of the fireflies in his body slowly dissipated, and when all was still, he hesitantly peeked out from beneath his forelegs and noticed there was one firefly floating away from him. He watched it go, though the terror he felt previously wasn't quite gone. Before he knew it, a cloaked figure had appeared with a wooden table and a few items spread upon it. It took the boy a few moments to find his legs, but when he did, he approached with caution and hesitation. The firefly man told him to pick one, but Fin wasn't sure what these things really were and he wasn't sure he could afford anything...what would the firefly man accept from him? He recalled the one measly mushroom he had with him, but would that be worth anything?

If this guy managed to appear out of nowhere, did that mean he was some sort of God? Or something else of power...? He swallowed as he hesitantly sniffed at the items, then looked up at the firefly man. He was shaky, but there was little he felt he could do to quell the fear he had. Swallowing, he decided to speak. "H-hello, family are all mommy and daddy are dead...I don't know where my siblings are, and everything is scary..." His mouth felt dry as he spoke, and the more he did speak, however, the more he felt like he wanted to cry. "P-please, is there anything you can do to help me? I don't want to be alone...I don't want to feel weak and afraid...but I d-don't know what to do!" He wailed, peering up at the cloaked figure with desperation in his gaze. He didn't have much to offer, but he laid the mushroom he had on the table. "I-I don't have much, but you can take this, sir...please..."

Finan is bargaining for something to potentially help him not be alone or not feel afraid and weak.