
Just a little hunting...


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-02-2021, 08:30 PM
It would have been worth a few more scars just to get the bastard to at least look upset.  All he got was the wolf’s amusement.  Oxx wanted a thanks? Rudy just bared his fangs, eyes narrowed and hate seeming to roll in waves from him as surely as the pain was rolling in.  

Rudy saw him coming but somehow a few toes missing made a big difference and Rudy staggered as he tried to make himself move out of the way. Rudy made a shriek mixed of surprise and pain as serrated teeth dug through the top of his neck.  Shit, he was going to die!  His neck was shaken and Rudy imagine this is what it felt like to be the rabbit he’d get between his jaws.  

Helpless his body fell to the earth.  Rudy struggled to get up, mouth open panting in a mix of trying to gulp in some air and pain.  It felt like his head should just roll of his neck as motley wolf imagined by how the damage felt.  Rudy wasn’t even sure if he could get back up given the chance but then there was Oxx’s paw on him and that was all it took right now to keep Rudy on the ground.  The growls given to Oxx had last ferocity to them.  

There weren’t many times Rudy doubted himself but this was one of them.  Oxx had hurt the others but sent them back alive but Rudy was wondering if this was going to be the exception.  Oxx’s head went down and a new mind-searing pain swept over Rudy.  Rudy didn’t even hear his own shrieks as the tail came off.  

Rudy didn’t bother fighting as he was drug across the ground towards the falls.  Between the shock of pain and blood loss, there wasn’t a whole lot of fight left in him.  Rudy had thought he’d given up on any urge to fight until Oxx reminded Rudy of his sister and Rudy showed his teeth a last time for good measure, a bit of fresh hate riled up.  The desire to kill the bastard shocked out of his system as he was dropped into the falls.  Water pushing him along, cleaning the wound even as gravel or rocks he was passed by caused amazing amounts of pain just by touch.  Time stopped as Rudy just worked to hold his head above water.  By the time he washed ashore, he had no energy to get more than a foot or so past where the water dumped him.  Rudy knew he should call for help.  He’d call for help after he took a few breaths and Rudy closed his eyes exhausted.
