
Matters of the Heart


08-13-2013, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 11:12 PM by Gael.)

Sisters. He had two new sisters. Aza wasn't going to be his only little sister anymore, although his new sisters were going to be even more little than Aza, age wise. As far as physical size went, he wasn't sure where the two would rank, but surely they would still be smaller than him. Since having been told about their arrival on their day of their birth, the young Adravendi had been dying with curiosity. He had headed his father's warning from the first day about steering clear of the den. He had never had any experience with new mothers so he was taking the smart option and taking his father's word for it. But man, it had been killing him having to stay away. He was so curious to know what his new sisters looked like, what their names were going to be, to just know them. He had been patient for the past two weeks, merely skirting about the very edges of the den perimeter, trying to sneak a glance at his sisters but always failing. Today was finally the day that he was going to meet his little sisters. Or so he hoped.

Gael set out from his den, breathing in the cool summer morning as he stretched his sleepy muscles, a yawn overtaking his jaws as he padded along, a high-pitched whine escaping his vocals before he chased the yawn away, shaking himself into awareness. His eyes drooped just a bit, unable to fully chase away all the sleepiness. But as he neared the den where his mother was taking residence in, all thoughts of sleepiness were banished. He could scent his mother and his father, as well as the two new scents of his tiny siblings. The silver yearling was careful as he slowed himself to approached the mouth of the den, cerulean gaze peering in, dancing over the familiar figures of his father and mother, trying to spot the tiny furballs that were his new sisters. He could barely see them around the legs of his father. He wanted to go inside and greet his new siblings, but he was unsure if he was still quite welcome. Gael cleared his throat, trying in the most subtle of ways to alert his family to his presence as he stood at the entrance, his tail wagging gently behind him as he waited to be noticed, already beyond excited about being able to meet his siblings.

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