
Can't Get You Outta My Mind




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
11-03-2021, 01:05 AM

Azzurra was resting in the den she had been sharing with Balthier over the last few days, her dainty paws working on weaving some sturdy rope from some vines she had collected in the days prior. She wasn't as strong or capable as Balthier in many ways, but this was something she could do that she knew came in handy in his hunts or for use on his raft so she tried to keep a good supply of them handy for him. Ever sense the trip to The Hallows she felt like she had been all the more attached and dependent to him. There for a while she had been getting better, building her strength, and even doing a little bit of exploring on her own and meeting new wolves, but after that... After that she reverted back to staying in the den most of the day, hiding away from the world. She didn't want to stay in the pack any more, especially not when the den they lived in had been built by their deceased father, and it wasn't really until they left and started their travels together that she began to feel like she could breathe again. She went with Balthier occasionally, but mostly she stuck close to whatever place they had deemed their home for the time being, collecting odds and ends and seeing what she could craft out of them.

Her pale ears perked at the sound of movement from the mouth of the den, twisting her head back to look over her shoulder as her brother came in to join her, making a smile pull across her lips. "Welcome back," she said before looking down at her work again, her form stretched out on some of the furs they had laid out to sleep on. It wasn't as plush or luxurious as the den they had lived in before, but she was happier here all the same. She blinked with surprise as she felt his larger frame against her own, giggling softly as his strong limbs wrapped around her and pulled her back into his chest, forcing her to abandon the rope she was braiding. It wasn't as if they hadn't snuggled together for basically as long as she could remember and even kisses shared with him had become slightly more common place for them, but it wasn't that often that he would come lay like this with her in the middle of the day.

He had certainly gotten more affectionate since they left the pack, but in all honesty she had cracked it up to the same kind of relief that she felt being away from somewhere that harbored so many bad memories. The freedom of it was suiting them well and she had always enjoyed the attention he gave her whenever she was able to get it. She hummed happily as he nuzzled into her cheek, leaning into his touch as she settled back into his chest, her small, pale gray paws resting on his foreleg where it crossed over her torso. It never really crossed her mind that this wasn't something they should do. In the small, isolated world she lived in and confined herself to she had very little interaction with others and didn't know much of how typical families interacted. All she knew was that this made her happy and with happiness and attention in such short supply she was grasping at every little shred of those things she could gather.
