
Excuse Me? [Event]



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-03-2021, 10:22 AM
What in the godsdamned fuck was going on? She had not come back to Boreas for a while, but she wasn't expecting such... such a change. What were these crystals? These... mushrooms? Both were captivating; some even sparkling with an inner light that matched her markings when they shimmered in sunlight. Except there hadn't been sunlight, either. The night had fallen and the sun barely poked over the horizon for a few hours before sinking back down into the darkness. It was a permanent night, almost, with daytime never leaving the sunrise. That wasn't even accounting for these mists with strange figures within them. She looked for familiar faces within those figures, wandering around, walking through them. They seemed - usually - sentient, and she'd gotten a few dirty looks for her purposeful walking through them but... were these the figures of the dead? None had chosen to speak with her. but that quite frankly bothered her more than anything else.

Her steps quickened as she reached the familiar Orchard, a brief sigh of relief escaping as she sagged briefly against a fruit tree that had long since dropped its fruit. It had been a bit since she was last in Boreas, and it wasn't something she particularly regretted. She had a marvelous time out in the world... she just got bored, so wandered home.

At apparently the worst time ever. The fuck. Though, she did suppose the crystals and fungi had a, attraction? fascination? with them. They were beautiful, ethereal and often glimmering in the night. It was unlike anything she had seen, and the first time she had, her breath had caught from the sheer beauty of it. Now though... now she was getting tired of the sight. She had even seen creepy as fuck wolves that seemed to have these things growing off of them, and that spooked the hell out of her. Were they infectious? Did the crystals or fungi get attached? Did it hurt? Some of these creatures. well, it didn't seem they could blink without severe pain. So did the crystals remove the need to blink? Ugh, too many questions and not enough answers. It was absolutely exhausting and she was already tired of it. She was about to try to get her own damn answers now that she was back somewhere familiar.

"Speech" "You"

art by rainbowglaze123