
where the red fern grows

Pontifex I


08-13-2013, 11:32 AM

He had never expected to be handed such an important title; ever. Even after Gerhardt had presented him with Octavian's title of Esquire, the black and grey man had figured he would spend the rest of his days here in Seracia proving to the amethyst eyed king that he was not someone who took such things for granted. And he had been completely fine with that. He was just happy that the once king had allowed him to become part of the pack. But it seemed Gerhardt had spoken much with his son before handing him the crown, and Pontifex had most likely been one of those subjects to be discussed. He was beyond honored that the recently appointed russet King had made such a big decision to promote him. Pontifex would take his new title with gratitude and once again push himself to demonstrate his gratitude through whatever help he could become to the kingdom. He would not let Maverick down, just as he had not let his father before him down.

You earned it, Pontifex. I couldn't imagine anyone better for the job. The now Grand Duke stood a little bit taller, his tail wagging at half mast proudly behind him, his head just a tad bit higher than how he usually carried it, though not enough to surpass his King's. I don't know how I will ever repay you sire for having such trust in me, but I will work everyday until the end of my days to serve you and this pack to the best of my abilities. I swear it. Nothing but honest truth rang in his words as he let them fall free from his inky lips, golden gaze riveted to the King's, ears flicking forward with attention at the next words. My father will be proud to hear of your promotion. The ex-King. It had been quite some time since he had seen his once King and the man was beginning to worry some about Gerhardt. I will forever be in his gratitude, as well as yours sir. But if I may ask and not overstep any boundaries, how is sir Gerhardt? I haven't seen much of him around and I can admit I begin to worry some about him. He didn't know the ex-King personally, but that didn't mean that he couldn't care about him. He was still his pack mate, an extension of his family.

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