
You had me at Hello

Pontifex I


08-13-2013, 12:04 PM

A growl rumbled in the back of Pacifica's throat as she got back onto her paws, throwing her forelimbs over his back as she glared towards the fish. That was certainly something he had never seen in his life before. A wolf get attacked by a fish. That was certainly something that probably happened once every who knows how many years if at all. As much as he didn't want to laugh and be rude, the whole scene was quite comical to say the least. But his attention was quickly taken back by his companion as a bashful look overtook her features, a rosy blush blooming across her face. Ehe, yeah it seems so. Saves us the trouble of getting our fur wet, not that I mind! He chuckled. It certainly does.

He allowed her to traverse across his body, her belly brushing against his back as she returned to all four paws, slinking forward towards the fish. Pontifex lifted himself back to his paws, choosing to recline back on his haunches. The whole fishing idea had been Pacifica's to begin with, so it only seemed right to let her take the first bite from the fish, but it appeared that she had other plans in mind. He watched in quiet curiosity as she began to chase after the fish, at first trying to earnestly catch it but her want to feast on it quickly disappeared as she began to play with it, almost in a feline fashion. The dual colored man was quite entertained, though his intestines would not forget about reminding him that they too needed attention. He tried his best to ignore his gurgling stomach, wanting to let his new companion have her fun.

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