
Driftwood err Driftwolf?



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 01:06 AM

The single word Rudy speaks breaks Fern’s heart but it is the word that follows shatters her. It isn’t supposed to be like this. Rudy is a fighter, strong headed and strong willed. Nothing can break him! And yet… his pleading has her offering him a sad smile and shushing him as he states that he refuses to die. Soft tones say, “You can’t die yet Rudy. You still owe me many, many adventures.” The lighthearted words cannot cover the fear and concern that Fern has for him. Eyes wander over his wounded body as she tries to figure out the best way to lift the injured wolf onto her back.

His words no longer make sense to Fern as he babbles about her being safe and returning to the castle. That earns the injured wolf a roll of her aqua eyes as she stubbornly states, “That is not happening Rudy. Not unless you are coming back with me.” After a few moments of carefully inspection, Fern turns her gaze to the circling hawk and instructs Reddy, “Fly back to the castle and alert his brother that Rudy is injured. Hopefully he can gather a healer and meet us somewhere along the way.” With a dip of her head to Reddy, she adds, “Fly swift and straight my friend.”

Without a second look toward the bird, Fern turns her full attention to the injured Rudy and states, “Alright Rudy. You need to get back to the castle and healers. In the state you are in, I am honestly surprised you haven’t passed out yet.” There is sad admiration in her words as she offers him a tight smile. Taking a deep breath, Fern tells him, “So that means one thing, you my friend are getting to do something no one has done. I may introduce you to your ride for the evening.” The smirk she offers and dip of her head is meant to lighten the mood but the gray girl doubts it works.

Turning to stand parallel with Rudy, Fern lowers her body while looking Rudy in his hurt filled golden eyes. With a sad smile, she says, “This is the one and only time you will get this offer. So, hop on board before I change my mind.” There is no humor in her voice anymore, Fern doesn’t have the energy to pretend not to be terrified as she gets a closer look at his wounds. Hopefully has enough strength to throw a leg over her shoulders. After that, she could take care of the rest.
