
Whoa, No




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2021, 10:53 AM

After Serenity had gone out with Gwyn and the mushrooms somehow spored invisible toxins in the air knocking her out, she had been extremely careful and anxious about leaving the caste walls. But duty still called, and patrols had to be run. Which she also wasn't very eager about because of the effect the moon had on all the animals around Auster. She spent almost all of her time on her perch up on the castle walls, and watching the animals and fireflies below her was certainly frightening. She had seen enough, too much, that she didn't even really look out in the plains anymore and instead kept her focus on the residents of the castle.

She was really jumpy and on edge while out on the patrols she was assigned. She steered clear of anything that glowed which wasn't really much around here but she was always prepared. She didn't want to get caught up with a prey turned viscous under the moon, she didn't want to get tangled in anything. She wished she could just hide in the dungeon and hibernate. Certainly nothing could get her there and she wouldn't be worrying if she was sleeping.

She had grown a few mushrooms out of the small wound she got from slipping on the castle walls, but she tried her best to ignore them. What she couldn't ignore was the thick feeling of mush in the back of her throat. It wasn't always there, but especially while she was active was when she felt the urge to cough up a lung trying to get the feeling out of there.

But none of that was an issue right now as she walked the borders. The sound of silence was not enjoyable though, and instead very eerie. Her paws forward were careful as she thought she remembered the sounds of something... The ocean maybe, or the wind. Her eyes scanned through the trees outside the borders of The Hallows, and like it came out of thin air, a large bear walking up on it's hind legs came swinging at her with it's paws. She jumped out of the way quickly though, being so on edge. And only when she found her footing on the back side of the bear did she see numerous growths of glowing crystals. She winced at the sight of the bear, who looked much more like a mythical porcupine, but she was completely grossed out by the ooze that was spewing like oil all over it's back. She almost didn't want to touch it, but she couldn't let it just wander up to The Hallows and start breaking down walls and hurting her pack members. She called out for help before she leapt froward, jumping high to grab hold of the bear's shoulder away from the crystal growths.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 471 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words
