
Crystal Cats Not Allowed




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2021, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2021, 07:09 PM by Hikaru. Edited 1 time in total.)
Somehow even with half a face covered in mushrooms and feeling as though they might die, Hikaru made it back with Mortis to the armada. Some miracle had to have occurred. Haiku was feeling better now, even if he still had trouble with coughing sometimes and too much exertion had him in a fit. He was still functional enough. He still drug himself out of bed and followed along beside Kotori, Mort’s younger brother.

The koi hadn’t really met him before, he was just another of Mort’s numerous siblings. Some of which he still hadn’t even met yet, though he’d gotten a couple stories. The boy seemed like a good enough chap, though he couldn’t blame the wide berth he gave Hikaru. The mushrooms were certainly off putting to say the least. It was yet to be discovered if they were life threatening however. He was sure mushrooms growing in his lungs was incredibly unhealthy, and he wouldn’t have a very long life.

He thought too hard about the illness, instead he tried to focus on the mission at paw. He had to do as much as he could in the limited time he had left. He was going to go out swinging if this was the end of him. The pack would do on without him, and until then he would do his duties, patrolling with the boy at his side. Kaiyo couldn’t see or hear very well out of the one side of his face, but he could still smell just fine, so when the prince spoke up at least the koi could keep his pride in one sense.

Hika nodded solemnly, not trusting his volume control these days, and if Kotori wanted to ambush this thing being quiet was just the better option. Silver eyes searched for their target, finding the dark cat glowing with its own crystals. He felt pretty evenly matched with a creature like this. However confident he usually was Kaiyo would hang back slightly to allow for Kotori to take the lead. He was thus far completely healthy and at full capacity to fight. Hika would be his back up. The young man nodded softly in return, bending his joints and lowering himself into a ready stance.

