
a ship with no sails


08-13-2013, 12:29 PM

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Tender words had been exchanged, and even more tender touches given, but in the end, after a brief walk through the snow, they'd separated to take different paths. Silverback had prowled off into the more rugged contours of the northern land, quickly taken from sight by slopes. But that trail she made through the snow, led her to snowy knolls and jagged bits of rock, she her feline form was quick to slither over. Digging her claws through the ice, she climbed and climbed, her pace quickening to a run as she leapt vertical expanses of stone and frozen water.... until at least she conquered the top. At the brink of the snow hills, she stood, beholding the land spread out in a white map before her - with the ocean away to the east, and Cathedrial Point standing tall and defiant to the weather and the morning sun. And meanwhile to the southwest she had just enough of a view, and just keen enough of eyes, to see a sliver of dark fur against the snow - making it's way homeward.

A breath came from her, freezing in the air before her muzzle. She hadn't realized how hard she'd been breathing. And it couldn't have just been from the run and the climb. Out she stared, craning forth her dappled neck over the sheer drop with the balance that only a cat can manage.

She'd been calm and collected whilst they had to take their leave of eachother, but now that she was once more alone her mind gave way to let her feel the pining of her heart. Bound. Wasn't that the word, she'd thought of earlier? Oh, she had no illusions - if she had her way she would be as promiscuous as possible. That was feline nature and it made for better genetic diversity among the species. She didn't pretend to herself any silly musing about how this silly looking wolf would be the only one for her. And yet... and yet he was the first, and he would hold a place of his own in her heart from then on. Perhaps she would take him up on that offer of his some day - if she ever made it that far south. Her time spent tangled up with him, had been heaven, and once a mortal has a taste of such things, they can only stay away for so long.

But at the same time, she would not allow herself to be out of control. A snow leopard she was, and her first will, had to be to find another snow leopard. She rocked back on her haunches to sit in the snow. That dot on the horizon had gone to grey and would soon fade all together. Seemed she was once more alone. The silver cat uttered a low chuff, and lowered her head a little.